Low Room Rates in Las Vegas Responsible for Labor Day Violence: Analyst
Posted on: September 9, 2020, 03:05h.
Last updated on: September 10, 2020, 07:41h.
A spike in violence on the Las Vegas Strip over Labor Day weekend is a direct result of rock-bottom room rates. That’s according to Greg Mullen, vice president of CDC Consulting, who told the Las Vegas Review-Journal this week he believes the drop in prices during the coronavirus pandemic is attracting the wrong sort of person.

Occupancy rates have plummeted because of the pandemic, which means operators are offering low rates, or even free rooms, plus travel incentives to the mass market, rather than just high rollers.
Cheap retail rates for the hotel rooms (and) free rooms are going to the players that have never had free rooms in Las Vegas,” Mullen said. “They’re going deeper in their database to get players who aren’t as lucrative because it’s better just to get a body in there.”
The result? The destruction of rooms is at an all-time high at some high-end properties, according to Mullen, and meanwhile, videos with titles like “Fight in ENCORE HOTEL LAS VEGAS LABOR WEEKEND 2020” are getting 40,000-plus views on YouTube.
Wynn to Raise Rates
A Wynn Resorts spokesperson confirmed to LVRJ that a large brawl had taken place at Encore over the weekend, adding that the company planned to buck the trend by bumping up room rates and hiring more security.
Las Vegas Metro Police told a press conference on Tuesday that the downtown area command had arrested 28 people on Friday alone, and issued 27 citations.
People coming here to have fun and take part in the festivities … we welcome you,” said Capt. Patricia Spencer, head of the downtown area command. “For those of you coming here to prey on the tourists or residents of this community, it will not be tolerated.”
Mullen says that operators will need to find a skillful balance between prices that are high enough to keep out undesirables, and low enough to maintain a healthy rate of occupancy — at least until the virus is suppressed to a point where conventions and concerts can return to the Strip.
‘Scared to Go Outside’
But Mullen is concerned that the current climate could damage the reputation of Las Vegas for a long time to come.
“Several of our higher-end profile clients say their high-end guests are done coming until this is under control,” he said. “They’re scared to walk outside their rooms, and don’t feel safe on elevators or on the casino floors themselves. It’s a bad look. … You can really, severely, put a tarnish on Las Vegas.”
Las Vegas is in “uncharted waters,” he added.
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Last Comments ( 191 )
It's like the upperdeck at Dodger stadium these days.
I can't believe how silly you all are right now. I have been a driver in Vegas for a while and y'all so called elite my shit don't stink people are the worse to deal with. People come here for sin and fuckery. This is Vegas all this bad stuff you speak of is already here we deal with it all. Low budget or high roller a bad attitude is just that. You come here to treat people like crap but I guess it is ok if you have money right? Does it make your BS better than these low budget people you speak of? Get over yourselves most of you are just sucky people. Nothing more nothing less.
It is not the room rates that is the problem, it is a lack of law enforcement and or security and it is not just Las Vegas its everywhere in the US. Criminals have been on the streets acting up because the police are scared to arrest them. If someone does get arrested they are back out on the street soon after booking. The penalties recicived are nonexistent or to are light. Rioters are committing crimes in front of police with impunity and it is visible on video taken by cell phones of witnesses who have observed and posted to social media.
I was in Vegas for Labor day weekend. I'm not sure what inner-city they came into town from, but I'm calling it was it was... The ghetto has taken over Vegas. Large crowds of inner-city black people, walking around with their pants around their knees, swiping unemployment debit cards for LV and Gucci. There were literal gangs, sporting red or blue bandanas as face masks, strolling through the casinos. This is our last trip to Vegas until this stuff gets fixed. Crazy.
I have live in Las Vegas for over 40+ years. I've always blame the undesirables from California on the changes in Las Vegas. But I also put onerous on the police who are hired from Calif as well. It's a sad state of affairs. Me and my family have lived well here for not working in the casinos. But in the past 10 years I have witnessed this very unsettling change in the city that our local and state officials have unfortunately embraced.
Dustin you're an idiot. Do you know who did this and what if any political affiliation they have? Go get in your cave holding your AR 15 and tell yourself what a great patriot you are while your views help destroy the country.
Did you see the vids? Guess what color those savages were. YouTube it and see for yourself. They get no love and understanding because they dont give love. All they know is violence. You act like an animal, you get treated like an animal. Fuck George Floyd.
To the person named Darrell who is talking bad about Trump, you are a tool and a fool who can't think for him self, you are obviously to dumb to do the research because if you did you would know that socialism is a word communist to cover up that they are communists so they fool you into giving them controll of your life and your paycheck, if you don't believe me ask any cuban who came to the united states to get away from Fidel Castro. Oh and don't forget obama and Joe biden are the ones who sent all of our jobs to china think about it Joe biden and his son who is a crack head literally got paid millions from china, a CRACK HEAD got paid millions for what nobody knows that doesn't happen not ever
Yep I agree. Twice was approached by hotheaded young males threatening violence on 2 separate flights going and leaving. I was ambivalent about leaving my room in Ceasars and I am a frequent comp guest but it did not feel safe at all.
If you are white, you are no longer safe on the Strip.
I think the writer wanted to say it was the BLM crowd will political correctness in mind!
The people were not lefties they were extreme right trouble makers. Listen to guy who said they were threatening that Trump better be reelected. Those are his base. We need to make plans when Trump loses, because these people are violent.
Very obvious bad crowd almost fight in store then I go to wal mart and guy striking smaller guy in face 5 or 6 times at the entrance. I moved here 55 years ago I should know the difference
I use to work at Bellagio. Had friends who worked front desk. Was told that the room rates diffidently had an effect on the type of crowd of people. The Apps. that sell rooms at reduced rates to fill the rooms.
The riots, violence , destruction. Started to get so much worse with the blm BULLSHIT movment