Low Room Rates in Las Vegas Responsible for Labor Day Violence: Analyst
Posted on: September 9, 2020, 03:05h.
Last updated on: September 10, 2020, 07:41h.
A spike in violence on the Las Vegas Strip over Labor Day weekend is a direct result of rock-bottom room rates. That’s according to Greg Mullen, vice president of CDC Consulting, who told the Las Vegas Review-Journal this week he believes the drop in prices during the coronavirus pandemic is attracting the wrong sort of person.

Occupancy rates have plummeted because of the pandemic, which means operators are offering low rates, or even free rooms, plus travel incentives to the mass market, rather than just high rollers.
Cheap retail rates for the hotel rooms (and) free rooms are going to the players that have never had free rooms in Las Vegas,” Mullen said. “They’re going deeper in their database to get players who aren’t as lucrative because it’s better just to get a body in there.”
The result? The destruction of rooms is at an all-time high at some high-end properties, according to Mullen, and meanwhile, videos with titles like “Fight in ENCORE HOTEL LAS VEGAS LABOR WEEKEND 2020” are getting 40,000-plus views on YouTube.
Wynn to Raise Rates
A Wynn Resorts spokesperson confirmed to LVRJ that a large brawl had taken place at Encore over the weekend, adding that the company planned to buck the trend by bumping up room rates and hiring more security.
Las Vegas Metro Police told a press conference on Tuesday that the downtown area command had arrested 28 people on Friday alone, and issued 27 citations.
People coming here to have fun and take part in the festivities … we welcome you,” said Capt. Patricia Spencer, head of the downtown area command. “For those of you coming here to prey on the tourists or residents of this community, it will not be tolerated.”
Mullen says that operators will need to find a skillful balance between prices that are high enough to keep out undesirables, and low enough to maintain a healthy rate of occupancy — at least until the virus is suppressed to a point where conventions and concerts can return to the Strip.
‘Scared to Go Outside’
But Mullen is concerned that the current climate could damage the reputation of Las Vegas for a long time to come.
“Several of our higher-end profile clients say their high-end guests are done coming until this is under control,” he said. “They’re scared to walk outside their rooms, and don’t feel safe on elevators or on the casino floors themselves. It’s a bad look. … You can really, severely, put a tarnish on Las Vegas.”
Las Vegas is in “uncharted waters,” he added.
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Last Comments ( 191 )
Everyone comes to Vegas to have a good time. Nowadays anyone can afford to come here. I live here and see these visitors come with their mind set that they can do anything they wish and get away with it. Our society has gotten to the point where no one is responsible for their actions. The young people are now the ones letting their hair down since they have been locked in for so long and some still are. The crowd, a large amount from California, will continue to come because to quote them Vegas is a party city. These people will continue to come. Prices were reduced because this city relies on tourism and because of our governor we now need people to visit in order to survive. The shutdown hurt and almost killed this city. It has gotten to the point where people in this country will go anywhere to get out and someplace where they can get close to normality. Unfortunately the younger crowd will overdo it.
Governor shitsolek Our murderous governor Reopened the casino's June 4 NOT requiring everyone to wear a mask. 1400 plus Nevadans dead as a result. Now we got the thugs coming here causing trouble while ole Shitsolek hides in bunker. Great job shitsolek.. You will be one and DONE.
Recently moved from Las Vegas after 34 yrs used to be a fun town-now ghetto trash.
Did someone see all these fights? All black people involved! Someone said, radical right-wingers? Hahaha! I didn't know blacks were right-wingers!
I see these commentsblaming radical right-wing, and it's not! I'm a resident here in Las Vegas and California, and I will tell you first hand its BLM and Democrats. All these Democratic cities and states are ones being burned down. Those Democrat leaders didn't get elected by Right-wing radicals. So stop spreading lies
I lived in Las Vegas for almost 34 yrs-used to be a great place to live-I saw this coming and am glad to be back living in Wisconsin-Las Vegas good riddance!
Gotta be honest. I'm Republican, but I saw a LOT of drunken white, college-age hooligans acting stupid, causing destruction and chanting Trump's name. I agree - being back shows, concerts and throw these jerks in jail!
After reading all of the comments regarding the savage like blacks that invaded our wonderful city of Las Vegas, it comes as no surprise that they destroyed, casino property, wreaked havoc all over the World Famous Strip, acted like wild animals and demonstrated their willful disrespect for the Casino Property, their employees, and responsible guests. There has to be reckoning for these undignified, classless and EVIL BASTARDS. SISOLAK our feckless Governor needs to do more to control the behavior on the Strip. LAS Vegas may never be the same again. There should be National Guard patrols in Casino Areas or perhaps we should allow the mobsters to return and take over. If the mob ran VEGAS the black savages wouldn’t dare even think about coming here. On a personal experience. On Labor Day I put a Trump sign in my front yard. The following Wednesday, I received a threatening phone call from a black man. He knew my name, my wife’s Name our address exactly where we lived. His message was: I’m going to “FUCK YOU UP and FUCK YOUR WIFE” needless to say, we’ve been fearful of going to our door or going to bed. It’s hard to believe this could ever happen in the USA.
But what is the problem? Diversity is our GREATEST STRENGTH! So what if people choose to trash their hotel rooms, piss off the balcony into the pool or drop their already sagging pants and do #2 on the floor of the casino! We are a TOLERANT people, we will TOLERATE it! Besides, ALL CULTURES ARE EQUAL. So many people are upset about being surrounded by the savagely-behaved, being mugged, or shot, or vomited upon. Well maybe they just need to be more UNDERSTANDING and ACCEPTING of these beautiful, diverse and unique cultural norms. This is the GLORIOUS TAPESTRY that our Neo-Liberal, Modern and Enlightened Leadership has brought us. And it's a good thing! Now go and CONSUME and don't worry about taking that cash advance, VEGAS IS CALLING!
It's horrfic! I just wangted to have a nice family break with my wife and her son. If i wanted a level 4 chimpout I would have vacationed in Detroit.
We literally just returned from Las Vegas to San Diego. I am a Ceasars Diamond member for three years now, and we have been going to LV for over 20 years. I also noticed very bad behavior, and mobility carts being used by young kids for kicks, nearly knocking people down. We both said, "without shows, without bars being open, and with many restaurants closed, what is the point of even going to Las Vegas? We don't drink a lot, but we always stop to cool off with a nice Margarita in the afternoon - now one has to have food as the bars are closed. I know shows can't go on with Covid, but perhaps some outdoor venues could be set up for entertainment. There really is nothing to do - even Hoover Dam was closed.
This is not about BLM,nor about politics Chuckwick,and Dustin it's about stupid people like you.
I was there in late july. Looked like a Tarzan movie with hordes of unruly loud dirty individuals looking for trouble. Will not return to LV anytime soon!
The things that are going on las vegas have nothing to do with politics i am an officer on the strip and the majority of problems are coming from California visitors. They are coming in and with great disrespectful attitudes . When asked simply to comply with mask regulations they start yelling and saying we are disrespectful and then proceed to hold up gang affiliated signs calling out there hood area in California that they represent. Instead of enjoying some relax time we spend time detaining them for metro. Its a waste of money to even come here if all the visitors are going to do is fight and cause problems. For all the visitors that come from California that are here to have a good time we welcome you always.