Vegas is not what it used to be. Hungry and greedy corporate executives are not thinking. A dollar a day everyday is better than $5.00 just once. They need a paradigm shift !
]]>Now with the new ‘venue fee’ they want the resort fees added to the profits. Don’t be suprised at how much money the new fee can pull in!
The managers, executives and CEO have to get creative to keep those bonuses flowing!
]]>Treating good customers as nothing more than Monopoly pieces became the sole obsession of the Bean Counters, who sit around watching Wall Street results hoping for a promotion which is already squirreled away into their bosses’ wallets.
My disgust was complete when I watched them TRIPLE THE AMOUNT OF CHANGE YOU NEEDED TO PUT INTO PAY PHONES in the poor urban ghettos in the Nineties . Harvesting cash from POOR HUNGRY PEOPLE. Isn’t Capitalism a thrilling sport?
All you need to know about America is this :: YOU NEED TO LIE TO PUT BUTTER & EGGS & BREAD ON YOUR KITCHEN TABLE.
Since Daddy had to lie. He won’t be down on Wall Street any more.
Las Vegas is a Doomed Place. Extrapolate what you will about America, and Capitalism, from that.