{"id":6968,"date":"2017-02-14T10:49:25","date_gmt":"2017-02-14T16:49:25","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.casino.org\/blog\/?p=6968"},"modified":"2022-12-07T08:53:11","modified_gmt":"2022-12-07T14:53:11","slug":"gambling-psychologist-ask-me-anything","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.casino.org\/blog\/gambling-psychologist-ask-me-anything\/","title":{"rendered":"Gambling Psychologist: Ask Me Anything"},"content":{"rendered":"

\"DrDr David Sack is Chief Medical Officer at Elements Behavioral Health, a company which runs several gambling and drug addiction rehabilitation centers across the USA.<\/p>\n

We caught up with him for an exclusive chat about what gambling addiction really is, how impulsiveness is passed from parents to children and how hypersexual behavior is often linked to a love of gambling.<\/p>\n

Dr Sack studied at the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute and is board certified in Psychiatry, Addiction Psychiatry and Addiction Medicine. He is one of the most respected gambling and addiction specialist in his field today and blogs for the Huffington Post<\/a>, Psychology Today and many more.<\/p>\n

Q: How come some people get addicted to gambling?<\/span><\/h2>\n


Genetics play a role but growing evidence shows gambling disorder is also tied to the dopamine reward system in the brain.<\/p>\n

Different gamblers have different experiences but one of the things you see in process addictions like gambling is that much of the reward comes not from winning but from the possibility<\/em> of winning.<\/p>\n

It’s the anticipation of the win that produces the greatest dopamine release, which motivates the person to repeatedly pursue this rewarding experience despite serious consequences.<\/p>\n

Q: Are people with certain types of personality more likely to develop a gambling problem?<\/span><\/h2>\n


It\u2019s not a personality trait but there does seem to be an inherited predisposition toward impulsivity. It\u2019s believed about 30% of impulsivity is genetic.<\/p>\n

There are many different ways to measure impulsivity but one of the clearest ways you can see it is in family history. A grandfather may be a gambler, a father could be an alcoholic and the next generation may abuse drugs \u2014 it comes through the genes as impulsivity, not a specific addiction.<\/p>\n

Q: Who is most at risk from becoming addicted to gambling?<\/span><\/h2>\n


Gambling disorder can affect people of all social backgrounds, but there is a strong link between poverty and gambling. One recent study found that problem gambling was twice as likely in neighborhoods with the highest levels of concentrated poverty compared to neighborhoods with the lowest poverty levels.<\/p>\n

Studies have shown there a number of higher risk groups, including:<\/p>\n